woensdag 5 augustus 2015

The Danish Weekendavisen reviews "A New History of the Humanities"

Frederik Stjernfelt has reviewed my book A New History of the Humanities in the Danish highbrow newspaper Weekendadvisen. Here are a couple of excerpts:

"… an impressive work giving an overview strongly missed – as well as restoring the humanities to a central and surprising place in the general history of science."

("… et imponerende værk, der både giver et stærkt savnet overblik - og gengiver humaniora en overraskende og central plads i den almindelige videnskabshistorie.")

From the conclusion:

"From a broad picture one can say that Bod takes the humanities back to their rightful place in the family tree of sciences. (…) With Bod's impressive work we can see that relativisms have existed as a sub-current of skeptical "anomalists" ever since the Alexandrian philologists – but also that they have always been defeated by the main tradition of the humanities: to contribute, with pattern seeking on a long series of decisive issues, to the overall development of human knowledge."

("I det store billede kan man sige, at Bod fører humaniora tilbage til dens retmæssige plads i videnskabernes stamtræ. (…) Med Bods imponerende værk kan vi nu se, at sådanne relativismer har existeret som en understrømning af skeptiske "anomalister" lige siden filologerne i Alexandria, - men også, at de altid er blevet overvundet af humanioras hovedtradition: at bidrage, med "mønstersøgning" på en lang række afgørende punkter, til den samlede udvikling af menneskelig viden.")

Click here for the full review (behind a paywall).

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