dinsdag 12 april 2022

Another fascinating review of the Italian translation of "A New History of the Humanities"


An interesting review appeared in "Scienza e Fede" by Giulia Andronico of the Italian version of "A New History of the Humanities".  According to the reviewer:

"La storia globale delle scienze umanistiche è per la prima volta raccolta e raccontata da Rens Bod nel suo bel volume ricco di spiegazioni e spunti interessanti, che già nel titolo “Le scienze dimenticate. Come le discipline umanistiche hanno cambiato il mondo” stimola la curiosità di chi si appresta alla sua lettura."

Or in English:

"The global history of the humanities is for the first time collected and told by Rens Bod in his beautiful volume full of explanations and interesting insights, which already in its title "The Forgotten Sciences. How the humanities changed the world" stimulates the curiosity of those who are about to read it."

Click here for the full review.

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