vrijdag 22 mei 2020

Another review of the Italian translation of my book

It's great to see several reviews appearing of the Italian translation of my former book "A New History of the Humanities".  This one is written by Gilberto Corbellini for the Almanacco della Scienza.

"In primo luogo, andrebbe ricordato che non furono solo i "nuovi scienziati" come Keplero o Galileo o filosofi come Francesco Bacone a silurare la visione del mondo cristiano-aristotelico. Tutto iniziò nel 1440, quando il filologo italiano Lorenzo Valla dimostrò che il Constitutum Constantini - la Donazione di Costantino, usata dalla Chiesa Cattolica per dare legittimazione al possesso dell'Impero Romano d'Occidente - era un falso."

["First, it should be remembered that it was not only "new scientists" like Kepler or Galileo or philosophers like Francis Bacon who torpedoed the Christian-Aristotelian worldview. It all began in 1440, when the Italian philologist Lorenzo Valla proved that the Donatio Constantini - the Donation of Constantine, used by the Catholic Church to give legitimacy to the possession of the Western Roman Empire - was a fake."]

Click here for the full review.

maandag 11 mei 2020

Review of the Italian translation by Treccani

The Italian translation of my book (A New History of the Humanities) was reviewed by Gualberto Alvino in the journal Lingua Italiana.

"Ma l’audacia del pur acutissimo Bod si spinge ben oltre. A suo parere, infatti, decostruttivisti e poststrutturalisti (Barthes, Lacan, Derrida, Poulet, Goldmann, Ruwet, de Man, Hartman…), sebbene rifiutino la validità universale dei pattern, «evidenziano un pattern oltremodo stabile: la deduzione che ogni testo è interpretabile in modi molteplici»"

["But Bod's audacity goes far beyond that. In his opinion, in fact, deconstructivists and poststructuralists (Barthes, Lacan, Derrida, Poulet, Goldmann, Ruwet, de Man, Hartman...), although they reject the universal validity of patterns, they "highlight an extremely stable pattern: the deduction that each text can be interpreted in multiple ways"]

Click here to read the full review.

Recensie van "Een Wereld Vol Patronen" in Geschiedenis Magazine

Mijn boek "Een Wereld Vol Patronen" is gerecenseerd in Geschiedenis Magazine:

"Dit is ook een boek met een boodschap, niet alleen over het decentraliseren van Europa en het (her)waarderen van vrouwen. Het laat ook zien dat de wetenschap, en in het bijzonder de geesteswetenschap, het waard is om actie voor te voeren."

Lees hier de recensie door Djoeke van Netten.